class: center, middle # 你有所不知的 Julia 語言特性 ## Julia 到底怎樣比其他語言好? ### Yueh-Hua Tu #### 2021.3.12 --- class: middle Programming languages have their own purpose or design philosophy. -- Programming language, as a tool, should solve certain range of problems, but seek to be general as possible. -- A rising of programming language is related to their historical background. -- Thus, programming languages have plenty of language features. --- class: middle # If you want to introduce a Julia to your friend, what will you tell? --- class: middle ## Some well-known Julia features **Dynamic type** -- **Optional typed** -- **High performance** -- **Open source** --- class: middle ## Some technical Julia features **Strong type** -- **Type inference** -- **Just-in-time (JIT) compilation** -- **Implemented using LLVM** -- **Garbage collection** --- ## Julia Julia come with scientific computing. -- Julia is deisgned for scientists or domain experts. -- Experts are not expected to familiar with computer science or computer engineering. -- Julia should be as easy to pick up as possible. -- Thus, Julia is for everyone! --- ## We will focus on "similar" languages today. -- For the usage of languages, python, R and MATLAB are the languages usually used in scientific computing and numerical computing.
--- class: middle ### Julia feature you don't know # Expressiveness --- ## Expressiveness of Julia
```julia function sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer, a::QuickSortAlg, o::Ordering) @inbounds while lo < hi hi-lo <= SMALL_THRESHOLD && return sort!(v, lo, hi, SMALL_ALGORITHM, o) j = partition!(v, lo, hi, o) if j-lo < hi-j # recurse on the smaller chunk # this is necessary to preserve O(log(n)) # stack space in the worst case (rather than O(n)) lo < (j-1) && sort!(v, lo, j-1, a, o) lo = j+1 else j+1 < hi && sort!(v, j+1, hi, a, o) hi = j-1 end end return v end ``` [base/sort.jl]( --- ## Expressiveness of R
```r <- function(x, partial = NULL, na.last = NA, decreasing = FALSE, method = c("auto", "shell", "quick", "radix"), index.return = FALSE) { ## fastpass decreasing <- as.logical(decreasing) if (is.null(partial) && !index.return && is.numeric(x)) { ... } method <- match.arg(method) if (method == "auto" && is.null(partial) && (is.numeric(x) || is.factor(x) || is.logical(x)) && is.integer(length(x))) method <- "radix" if (method == "radix") { ... } else if (method == "auto" || !is.numeric(x)) ... ``` [sort.R]( --- ## Expressiveness of Python
Well... it is written in C. [listobject.c]( --- class: middle ### Julia feature you don't know # Integration of all spectrum of operations --- class: middle # What extent of granularity can one manipulate in a programming language? -- Every language supports higher-level operations... -- Usually, a dynamic language persuits higher-level operations. --- ## If we take a look roughly... -- #### MATLAB MATLAB is just a software for scientific computing and a programming language on its own. -- #### Python CPython is based on C. C is in the level of programming language. -- #### R R is based on C++. C++ is in the level of programming language. -- #### Julia Julia is based on LLVM. LLVM is in the level of intermediate representation (IR). -- Julia supports lower level of operations than other languages. --- ## But the statement is too rough... Python, R and Julia all have metaprogramming support, which means they can manipulate their own code as data. Code is highly dynamic, because it can be changed in runtime. --- ### So, what is the minimum granularity can one manipulate? -- #### MATLAB MATLAB as a programming language and it is not allowed to access lower level operations than its own language. -- #### Python Python doesn't have a pointer in its own language while it can call C by [ctypes]( Python can manipulate the pointer to Python object by ctypes. -- #### R R has very limited operations in lower level and most of low-level operations rely on C++ in Rcpp. R can manipulate the pointer to R object by [pointr package]( -- #### Julia Julia has [the ability to access pointer]( and [the ability to call C](, even [call LLVM]( It is possible to insert a line of LLVM IR from Julia! --- ## What is the advantage to support lower level of operations? -- Lower level of operations means more fine-grained to operate constructs in a programming language. -- That also means that developers have more power to manipulate the elements of language. -- #### Power of Julia Due to the power of Julia, Julia can even change the behavior of compiler by inserting LLVM IR to compiler. So, Julia makes it possible that highly dynamic changing the behavior of code generation to CUDA from the same source code. -- #### Example [JuliaGPU/CUDA.jl]( supports generating NVPTX pseudo-assembly to CUDA driver directly by-passing CUDA C library. Furthermore, Julia has a wrapper package [maleadt/LLVM.jl]( for manipulating LLVM from Julia. --- ## Why a dynamic language have to poss the ability of lower-level operations? Low-level operations are supported by static-typed or C-like languages. These kind of languages have the full power on low-level operations or hardware manipulations. -- However, dynamic languages usually don't focus on these features. -- Julia does focus on these lower-level operations, even the intermediate representation-level. -- Julia posses more power than other languages! --- ## The spectrum of operations
--- ## So, what is the advantage of python? Python has large and sound developer ecosystem. They comes from all fields, including IT industry, academic (especially scientific community) and some organisations. Python has plenty of internet resources, which is friendly to newbies. -- So far, they relie on the success of large projects, e.g. **TensorFlow**, **PyTorch**, which is usually supported by IT gaints (i.g. Google and Facebook). Also, the foundation is established on the success of numerical computing infrastructure of **Numpy** and **Scipy**.
--- class: middle # Comparison to Rust and Go? --- ## Comparing to rising languages
Both of them are static-typed and compilation langauges, which is very different from Julia. Although their design and language feautres are away from Julia, it is still worth for discussion. ---
Go-lang rises in the background of C is too old. There are much more new syntax or language constructs need brand new design. Go, as a system programming language, is very close to C but avoiding disadvantages of C. The simpilcity of C's syntax is the core design philosophy. But not C++! -- * Static type * Strong type * Type inference * Open source These are similar to Julia. -- * Structual type Julia takes nominal type system. -- * Lack of support for generic programming and functional programming Type parameters (generic programming) is introduced in Go2. ---
Rust is designed and manintained by Mozillia. Rust aims to be a system programming language. Rust comes with the feature of memory safety. The memory management and ownership mechanism is awesome. -- * Static type * Strong type * Type inference * Nominal type * Open source These are similar to Julia. -- * Rust is multi-paradigm, including imperative, functional, generic, concurrent. But tend to be functional -- * Rust has no virtual machines but compilations --- ## Simplicity #### Go ```go package main import "fmt" func plus(a int, b int) int { return a + b } func plusPlus(a, b, c int) int { return a + b + c } func main() { res := plus(1, 2) fmt.Println("1+2 =", res) res = plusPlus(1, 2, 3) fmt.Println("1+2+3 =", res) } ``` --- ## Simplicity #### Rust ```rust fn plus(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b } fn plusPlus(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { a + b + c } fn main() { let res = plus(1, 2); println!("1+2 =", res); let res = plusPlus(1, 2, 3); println!("1+2+3 =", res); } ``` --- ## Simplicity #### Julia ```julia plus(a::Int64, b::Int64)::Int64 = a + b plusPlus(a::Int64, b::Int64, c::Int64)::Int64 = a + b + c function main() res = plus(1, 2) println("1+2 =", res) res = plusPlus(1, 2, 3) println("1+2+3 =", res) end main() ``` --- ## Memory management #### Go Use garbage collection. -- #### Rust The ownership governs over objects. If an object reach its lifetime or no more references point to it, the object is deallocated automatically. Rust insert `deallocate` LLVM IR to the end of a scope in compile time. -- #### Julia Use garbage collection. For a highly dynamic language, it is hard to determine the lifetime of an object. --- ## Concurrency #### Go Well-known for its goroutines and channels. Threads and locks. -- #### Rust Have coroutines and channels. Threads and locks. -- #### Julia Also have Task (coroutines) and channels. Threads and locks. --- class: middle ### Julia feature you don't know # Composable --- ## Composable Composable is the key feature to Julia. The core Julia developer Lyndon wrote an [article]( for elaborate the importance of composablility. I also wrote another [article]( about my thoughts and conclusions. -- #### Examples If you have a package for solving differential equations ([DifferentialEquations.jl]( and a package for training a neural network ([Flux.jl](, then you should have neural ODE. ---
--- ## Weak namespace Composablility comes from the weak namespace. ```julia julia> v = Vector{Float64}() Float64[] julia> length(v) 0 ``` -- ```julia julia> using DataStructures julia> deq = Deque{Float64}() Deque [Float64[]] julia> length(deq) 0 ``` -- ```julia julia> methods(length, (Array, )) # 1 method for generic function "length": [1] length(a::Array) in Base at array.jl:219 julia> methods(length, (Deque, )) # 1 method for generic function "length": [1] length(q::Deque) in DataStructures at /home/yuehhua/.julia/packages/DataStructures/DLSxi/src/deque.jl:85 ``` --- ## Weak namespace The intuition of namespace is to **separate** identifiers from module to module. That way, we can define the same identifier in different namespace. It prevents from mixing identifiers which have **different semantics in distinct contexts**. -- However, Julia breaks the namespace and want developers to discuss with each other. -- The supoort of `length` * Object of `Array` type is supported by `Base` * Object of `Deque` type is supported by `DataStructures` -- Packages **collaboratively support** the semantics of `length` to be *"the amount of elements in the collection"*. -- Once a new package want to support the functionality of `length`, it supports its object on its own. -- This forces Julia developers to discuss and maintain the semantics of functions. --- ## Module Julia developers have the right to control over the visibility of a function or a type. The visibility is also weak. -- ```julia module Foo export bar; bar() = println("this function is visible in public.") baz() = println("this function is only visible in Foo module.") end ``` -- ```julia using Foo bar() Foo.baz() ``` --- ## Interface Julia developers should **collaboratively support** the semantics of interfaces in stdlib or packages. -- If a language posses shared semantics and well-defined interfaces, modules in Julia are **composable**. -- #### In Python This doesn't happened in TensorFlow and PyTorch. PyTorch cannot use the functions defined in TensorFlow. -- #### In Julia It is possible to collectively use Flux and MLJ. -- #### Julia as a plugable system Modules in Julia are plug-ins. If you plug MLJ and Flux, Julia becomes a machine learning engine. If you plug DataFrames, Pipe and some database utilities, Julia becomes a data pipeline. --- class: middle # Use it as a WHOLE! --- class: middle ### Julia feature you don't know # Reproducible --- ## Reproducible Julia's packages are on Github and open source. -- #### Package management The [Pkg3](, as a package management, maintains the installation and package dependency. A package management ease the process of installation of a package. -- #### Package code quality To enhance reproducibility, continuous integration (CI) is needed for automatic testing the developing packages. Julia developers work hard to add new features, get tests passed and increase testing coverage. CI ensure certain extent of code quality. -- #### Provide libraries and binaries To have its own library, instead of depending on the user's OS environment, [JuliaPackaging/BinaryBuilder.jl]( provides the ability to install library from Julia's package management system. --- ## Reproducible #### Container Julia's official docker is provided. Docker ensures the OS environment where Julia executes. --- class: middle ### Julia feature you don't know # Compatibility of multi-paradigm --- ## Compatibility of multi-paradigm Julia supports multi-paradigm. It combines features of imperative, functional, and object-oriented programming. -- Currently, programming languages support these paradigms. #### Python * imperative * functional * object-oriented * concurrent * metaprogramming -- #### R * imperative * functional * (weak) object-oriented * metaprogramming --- ## Compatibility of multi-paradigm #### MATLAB * imperative * functional * (weak) object-oriented -- #### Rust * imperative * (strongly) functional * (compatible) object-oriented * concurrent * generic programming -- #### Go * imperative * (compatible) object-oriented * concurrent * generic programming (coming soon) --- ## Compatibility of multi-paradigm #### Julia * imperative * functional * (compatible) object-oriented * concurrent * generic programming * metaprogramming --- ## OOP support #### Types! Not classes! ```julia julia> struct Foo bar baz::Int qux::Float64 end ``` -- #### Methods and polymorphisms Polymorphism is supported implicitly by multiple dispatch. ```julia julia> v = Vector{Float64}() Float64[] julia> length(v) 0 julia> deq = Deque{Float64}() Deque [Float64[]] julia> length(deq) 0 ``` --- ## OOP support Design patterns are avialable in Julia! ```julia """ This pattern can be apply to subscription behavior. Suppose we want to subscribe for newspapers. """ abstract type Newspaper end abstract type Subscriber end function subscribe(::Subscriber, ::Newspaper) end function unsubscribe(::Subscriber, ::Newspaper) end function notify(::Newspaper) end ``` ```julia struct SubscriberA <: Subscriber name::String end update(a::SubscriberA, s::String) = println("$( is notified by $(s).") struct SubscriberB <: Subscriber name::String end update(b::SubscriberB, s::String) = println("$( is notified by $(s).") ``` --- ## OOP support ```julia mutable struct AppleNews <: Newspaper subscribers::Vector{Subscriber} end AppleNews() = AppleNews(Subscriber[]) subscribe(s::Subscriber, a::AppleNews) = push!(a.subscribers, s) notify(a::AppleNews) = foreach(x -> update(x, "AppleNews"), a.subscribers) mutable struct BananaNews <: Newspaper subscribers::Set{Subscriber} end BananaNews() = BananaNews(Set{Subscriber}()) subscribe(s::Subscriber, b::BananaNews) = union!(b.subscribers, [s]) notify(b::BananaNews) = foreach(x -> update(x, "BananaNews"), b.subscribers) ``` [yuehhua/patterns.jl]( --- ## Generic programming #### Parametric types ```julia julia> struct Point{T} x::T y::T end ``` -- #### Parametric methods ```julia myappend(v::Vector{T}, x::T) where {T} = [v..., x] ``` --- ## Go will have type parameters in Go2 ```go func ReverseSlice[T any](s []T) []T { first := 0 last := len(s) - 1 for first < last { s[first], s[last] = s[last], s[first] first++ last-- } return s } ``` Code from [go2go Playground]( --- ## Functional support #### First-class function and anonymous functions ```julia julia> map(x -> x^2, [1,2,3,4,5]) 5-element Array{Int64,1}: 1 4 9 16 25 ``` --- class: middle ## The Julia features you don't know * Expressiveness * Integration of all spectrum of operations * Composable * Reproducible * Compatibility of multi-paradigm --- class: middle # Thank you for attention