class: center, middle # How to perform TDD and CI in Julia? #### Speaker: Yueh-Hua Tu ##### 2021.1.14 --- ## Test-driven development
> Wikipedia: Test-driven development --- ## Test-driven development * Testing is to guide development -- * Need a efficient way to test -- * Refuel for example ``` sh> julia --proj (Refuel) pkg> test ``` --- class: middle ## Start from generating a project ```julia using PkgTemplates t = Template(; user="yuehhua", dir="/media/yuehhua/Workbench/workspace", authors="Yueh-Hua Tu", julia=v"1.5", plugins=[ License(; name="MIT"), Git(; manifest=true, ssh=true), GitHubActions(), Codecov(), Documenter{GitHubActions}(), Develop(), TagBot() ], ) t("MyProject") ``` --- class: middle ## Project layout ```julia . ├── docs │ ├── make.jl │ ├── Manifest.toml │ ├── Project.toml │ └── src │ └── ├── LICENSE ├── Manifest.toml ├── Project.toml ├── ├── src │ └── MyProject.jl └── test └── runtests.jl 4 directories, 10 files ``` --- class: middle ## Write testing ##### test/runtests.jl ```julia using MyProject using Test @testset "MyProject.jl" begin @test foo() == "Hello, world!" end ``` --- class: middle ## Write your code ##### src/MyProject.jl ```julia module MyProject foo() = "Hello, world!" end ``` --- class: middle ## Fail!? ```julia MyProject.jl: Error During Test at /media/yuehhua/Workbench/workspace/MyProject/test/runtests.jl:5 Test threw exception Expression: foo() == "Hello, world!" UndefVarError: foo not defined Stacktrace: [1] top-level scope at /media/yuehhua/Workbench/workspace/MyProject/test/runtests.jl:5 [2] top-level scope at /build/julia/src/julia-1.5.3/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.5/Test/src/Test.jl:1115 [3] top-level scope at /media/yuehhua/Workbench/workspace/MyProject/test/runtests.jl:5 ``` -- #### Remember to export functions ```julia module MyProject export foo foo() = "Hello, world!" end ``` --- class: middle ## Congratulation! Test passed! ```julia Test Summary: | Pass Total MyProject.jl | 1 1 Testing MyProject tests passed ``` --- class: middle ## Commit your code * If the development is sufficient for a commit, just submit your commit to repository. -- * If the submission triggers CI to start, check if CI is success. --- ## What's next? Configure your CI server! #### Free for open source * Travis CI * Circle CI * Github Action * Gitlab CI -- #### Self-hosted CI * Jenkins * Gitlab CI -- #### Let's check demo --- class: middle # Thank you for attention