GeometricFlux.jl:Flux 上的幾何深度學習

GeometricFlux.jl: Geometric Deep Learning on Flux

Speaker: Yueh-Hua Tu(杜岳華)

Why graph neural network?

Nowadays AI

  • Computer vision
  • Natural language processing
  • Speech
  • Game, including cheese game, real-time strategy (RTS)

Many scientific data lies in non-Euclidean space

  • Social networks in socail science
  • Traffic networks
  • Gene regulatory networks in biology
  • Molecular structure in chemistry
  • Knowledge graph
  • 3D object surfaces in computer graphics


They can be represented as a graph structure.

Human gene coexpression network

Computer graphics

Knowledge graph

Graphs are more representative than vectors

Graphs are discrete approximation to manifold

Geometric Deep Learning

Graph + Deep Learning = Powerful


Aims to

  • extend Flux deep learning framework in Julia
  • support of CUDA GPU with CuArrays (other interfaces are welcome)
  • integrate with existing JuliaGraphs ecosystem

Graphs are usually sparse

I worked on SparseArrays and CuArrays.CUSPARSE


  • Convolution layers
    • MessagePassing
    • GCNConv
    • GraphConv
    • ChebConv
    • GatedGraphConv
    • GATConv
    • EdgeConv
    • Meta (WIP)
  • Pooling layers
    • GlobalPool (WIP)
    • TopKPool (WIP)
    • MaxPool (WIP)
    • MeanPool (WIP)
    • sum/sub/prod/div/max/min/mean pool
  • Embedding layers
    • InnerProductDecoder


  • VGAE
  • GAE

Compatible with layers in Flux

In [ ]:
## Model
model = Chain(GCNConv(g, num_features=>1000, relu),
              GCNConv(g, 1000=>500, relu),
              Dense(500, 7),

Use it as you use Flux

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## Loss
loss(x, y) = crossentropy(model(x), y)
accuracy(x, y) = mean(onecold(model(x)) .== onecold(y))

## Training
ps = Flux.params(model)
train_data = [(train_X, train_y)]
opt = ADAM(0.01)
evalcb() = @show(accuracy(train_X, train_y))

Flux.train!(loss, ps, train_data, opt, cb=throttle(evalcb, 10))

Construct layers from SimpleGraph/SimpleWeightedGraph

In [ ]:
g = SimpleGraph(5)
add_edge!(1, 2); add_edge!(3, 4)
GCNConv(g, num_features=>1000, relu)

Use Zygote (with CPU)

GeometricFlux with Zygote on GPU is not available. There are some issues to work on...

For GPU, I will getting Tracker work first.

Use message passing scheme

$$ m_v^{t+1} = \sum_{u \in N(v)} M_t(h_v^t, h_u^t, e_{uv}) \\ h_v^{t+1} = U_t(h_v^t, m_v^{t+1}) $$

$h_v^t$: vertex features, $e_{uv}$: edge features, $N(v)$: neighbors of vertex $v$

Message passing scheme


  • Multithreaded scatter function
  • Scatter function on GPU (WIP)

Some work to do

  • Accept edge list dynamically
  • More layers/models
  • Datasets inetegration
  • Threading on CPU (in v1.3!)
  • Sparse array computation optimization

Thank you for attention

Pull request and issues are welcome.